Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Little Apprentice in the Kitchen

About a week ago Jia Tai asked, "Coco, can me and you have a tea party?" I said that would be fun and asked him "what should we eat at the tea party" he replied with a curious voice, "Chocolate?" I laughed and he gave me a grin that took over his whole face and made his eyes disappear. Thinking we would need something a little more filling and something the whole family would enjoy I asked him what he thought about chocolate zucchini bread. He gave his quick nod of approval and we set out to make it. The Apprentice Jia Tai

He had a few problems cracking the eggs....
But by the third one...he got the hang of it
While the bread baked we blew bubbles outside
I tried to get a picture of both loaves but the hoards devoured one before I got a chance!
My apprectice worked so hard making bread and then eating it he couldn't help but fall asleep during quite time. (He rarely sleeps during quiet time normaly he just plays with his toys or looks at books!)


Paige said...

How sweet! What a wonderful big sister you are. Jia Tai is blessed.

Jacqueline said...

Little helpers are the best! :)

Claire said...

They certainly are! It's good to hear from you Jacqueline, how are you and your family?

Kate said...

Looks like fun! I can remember doing that with John when he was little. :)

Lightkeeper said...

That chocolate zuchini bread looks great! Are you going to post the recipe or is it a family secret? Yum! It's a major step to crack eggs without chaos! What a fun family you all are ~
Kathy (formerly of New Hope)

H335 said...

That is adorable. :)

Claire said...

I suppose I could post the recipe...I will do it when I get a chance.