Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A quote

A neat quote...

"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."

-- Mark Twain


Stephen B. said...

That is a fantastic quote!

Claire said...

Thought provoking isn't it...


Stephen B. said...

...Yes it is.
It is something we take for granted so often that we have the privilege of reading.


Stephen Bittner said...

Just so you know, that Jane Austen Character quiz is rigged. I can be whoever I want to be, and this is how:

Answer all ones and you will be Elinor Dashwood

Answer all twos and you will be Marianne Dashwood

Answer all threes and you will be Elizabeth Bennet

Answer all fours and you will be Fanny Price

Answer all fives and you will be Emma Woodhouse

Answer all sixes and you will be Catherine Morland

Answer all sevens and you will be Anne Elliot.

Not that I would ever take such a feminine test or anything...

Claire said...

Hmm.. thanks for letting me know... when my sister and I came out being the same person I wondered cause we are so different. This just ensures me that I am not going crazy! :)


Claire said...

ohhh... and .. I wouldn't take you as the kind of gentlemen who would take a ladies quiz...:)

Stephen B. said...

Hey Stevo!! You must have don that a few times to figer that out! :)

Umm the other thing is you know those caricatures too well! Theres no way I could list them off like that. :)

Steve, You never sees to amaze me! LOL

FYI it takes a lot less time to start it and then go to the bottom and choose who you want to be. ;)